Tuesday, 30 July 2013

Family Photos- Drohomirecki

A couple family shots at the monastery ruins. Absolutely love the stone detail and the clouds. More to come, check back!


Wednesday, 24 July 2013

Group Photos- Backwoods

Had an amazing time working with a group of gorgeous ladies. We took a drive out of the city to a fantastic location and got a bunch of great shots. Halfway through the shoot the rain started coming down but we made it work and the photos turned out amazing! Here is a couple of the photos for now, there is more to come so keep checking!




Monday, 22 July 2013

Portraits- Rheanne

Last week the stunning Rheanne and I drove around taking photos in all sorts of neat spots. We had so many great photos it was hard to choose just a couple! Here are some of our favourites from the evening.

Monday, 15 July 2013

First Post!

Oh hey there! My very first post of my very first blog. I'm not one for words so this blog will consist mostly of photos. I have a bunch of really exciting shoots coming up that I will post on here right away!

All of these photos are taken with my Iphone on one of my runs. It seems I always run just as the sun is rising or setting. I love that dusk and dawn always look unique and makes for different photos even though running in the same places